PAS conference 2018 - Supporting families

Our 2018 conference looked at the impact of austerity and welfare reform on families using the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as a framework for supporting families.

Delegates valued the range of speakers which included Maree Todd, Minister for Childcare and Early Years; Dr Morag Treanor, Dr Anne Mullin, Professor Brid Featherstone and Alison Watson.

There was a great deal of interest outside of the conference with 340 tweets using the conference #supportingfamilies18 with over 1 million Twitter impressions taking the messages well beyond the delegates in the room.


How the UNCRC supports parents and families - Maire McCormack, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland office

Families and financial vulnerability - Dr Morag Treanor, University of Stirling

GPs at the Deep End - supporting Scotland's families: rights, respect, relationships - Dr Anne Mullin, GPs at the Deep End

Supporting text for GPs at the Deep End presentation

Exploring the relationship between deprivation and child protection interventions Professor Brid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield

Foundations First: housing as the bedrock of family wellbeing - Alison Watson, Shelter Scotland

Workshop presentations

Workshop 1: Money

NHS Health Scotland discuss the drivers behind child povertyKerry McKenzie, NHS Health Scotland

Approaches to ensure that families receive all benefits which they are entitled to - Roddy Samson, Improvement Service

Workshop 2: Supporting families

Providing inclusive support to the whole family - Jana Chandler, Midlothian Sure Start

An innovative multidisciplinary approach to family support - Jillian Dowds, North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Workshop 3: Housing

How the Wheatley Group supports disadvantaged communities across Scotland - Sharon McIntyre, Wheatley Group

Milnbank Housing Association's carbon neutral nursery - Marie Doherty, Milnbank Housing Association

Workshop 4: Increasing income for low-income families 

How the Best Start Grant will support low-income parents - Ingrid Drever, Scottish Government

Redesigning council advice services in Dundee - Keith Grubb, Council Advice Services

Workshop 5: Child poverty

Delivering the Child Poverty Plan in local areas - Kathryn Chisholm, Scottish Government

Practice examples of local child poverty action plans - Mark Willis, Child Poverty Action Group