PAS conference 2018 - Supporting families
Our 2018 conference looked at the impact of austerity and welfare reform on families using the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as a framework for supporting families.
Delegates valued the range of speakers which included Maree Todd, Minister for Childcare and Early Years; Dr Morag Treanor, Dr Anne Mullin, Professor Brid Featherstone and Alison Watson.
There was a great deal of interest outside of the conference with 340 tweets using the conference #supportingfamilies18 with over 1 million Twitter impressions taking the messages well beyond the delegates in the room.
How the UNCRC supports parents and families - Maire McCormack, Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland office
Families and financial vulnerability - Dr Morag Treanor, University of Stirling
GPs at the Deep End - supporting Scotland's families: rights, respect, relationships - Dr Anne Mullin, GPs at the Deep End
Supporting text for GPs at the Deep End presentation
Exploring the relationship between deprivation and child protection interventions - Professor Brid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield
Foundations First: housing as the bedrock of family wellbeing - Alison Watson, Shelter Scotland
Workshop presentations
Workshop 1: Money
NHS Health Scotland discuss the drivers behind child poverty - Kerry McKenzie, NHS Health Scotland
Approaches to ensure that families receive all benefits which they are entitled to - Roddy Samson, Improvement Service
Workshop 2: Supporting families
Providing inclusive support to the whole family - Jana Chandler, Midlothian Sure Start
An innovative multidisciplinary approach to family support - Jillian Dowds, North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Workshop 3: Housing
How the Wheatley Group supports disadvantaged communities across Scotland - Sharon McIntyre, Wheatley Group
Milnbank Housing Association's carbon neutral nursery - Marie Doherty, Milnbank Housing Association
Workshop 4: Increasing income for low-income families
How the Best Start Grant will support low-income parents - Ingrid Drever, Scottish Government
Redesigning council advice services in Dundee - Keith Grubb, Council Advice Services
Workshop 5: Child poverty
Delivering the Child Poverty Plan in local areas - Kathryn Chisholm, Scottish Government
Practice examples of local child poverty action plans - Mark Willis, Child Poverty Action Group