Vision & purpose
A Scotland where all parents and families are valued and supported to give children the best possible start in life.
Parenting across Scotland (PAS) is a membership organisation. We work together with our members, partners and stakeholders to focus on parenting issues and to help realise our vision - a Scotland where all parents and families are valued and supported to give children the best possible start in life.
For us this means that:
- Families live free from poverty and disadvantage. They are protected from the causes of poverty and the negative consequences poverty can have on their lives.
- Families have the support they need when they need it to help them get through the challenging times.
- Systems and structures support families in the best ways possible. This includes things like work, benefits, housing, childcare and transport.
- Parents and carers feel confident that their children’s human rights are being met.
- Parents and carers can share their views and experiences with services and decision makers and their needs are listened to and acted on.
It is particularly important for us to understand how families experience disadvantage in different ways. A focus on inequalities and how they intersect with each other is vital to our work.
We work with members, partners and other stakeholders to improve our understanding of the needs and priorities of a wide range of families, particularly those who are seldom heard.