UNCRC is enacted

Today, July 16th 2024, is a momentous day – as the UNCRC (Incorporation)(Scotland) 2024 is enacted. This means that children’s rights have become law in Scotland, protecting children, young people and their families.

Parenting across Scotland has been a long standing supporter of incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into Scots Law. We firmly believe that realising children’s rights is vital, not just for children and young people themselves, but the families they live in. The UNCRC recognises the importance of the family in children’s lives and states that the family ‘should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so it can fully assume its responsibilities in the community’[1].

On a day to day level this should mean that children should be safe, live free from poverty and have access to education, health, leisure and play. Their voices should be listened to when making decisions about their lives. Enacting the UNCRC Act takes us one step closer to this being realized for all children and their families across Scotland.

The work doesn’t end here – it’s just beginning. There is considerable action required to ensure that children’s rights are realised across Scotland. We all have a role to play in making this happen. At Parenting across Scotland, we will continue to use our voice and position on the UNCRC Strategic Implementation Board to ensure that the needs of parents and carers are considered when supporting their children’s rights. And we will continue to speak to our members and wider network to understand when and where children’s rights are being undermined and what support families require to address this. 

But notwithstanding the important work ahead, today is an historic point in time. Parenting across Scotland is proud to have played a small role in getting us here.

A massive thank you to Together, the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland, the Scottish Youth Parliament, the Children’s Parliament and all the many other organisations that have worked tirelessly over many years. And particularly congratulations to all the children and young people who have campaigned so hard for this – you did it!


[1] Convention on the Rights of the Child | OHCHR

The image shows Lego with the letter UNCRC spelled out