Complaints procedure


Parenting across Scotland welcomes all forms of feedback, including complaints, and is committed to using them to improve how we work, to address complaints in a person-centred way and to respect the rights of everyone involved. 

If you have a suggestion or are unhappy with a service you have received from Parenting across Scotland, please tell us.


Procedure for complaints

You can make a complaint in person, by phone, by letter or by email using the contract details on our website. We will try to resolve the complaint as early as possible.

We have a two-stage complaints procedure (see below).

Many matters can be resolved under Stage 1 without progressing to Stage 2. If you have a concern, we would like to know so that we can try to put matters right. We would encourage you to raise the matter with any member of staff as soon as possible.


Stage 1: Early resolution

We will work with you to try to find a solution, agree an appropriate way forward and resolve issues impartially and fairly and as quickly as possible. Sometimes concerns can be dealt with immediately but if more time is needed, we will acknowledge your complaint within five working days and respond within 20 working days if we can. If there is a good reason for needing more time, we will share this with you.

If you (or we) feel your complaint is complex and/or that it merits an in- depth investigation, or if you are dissatisfied with our response at stage 1, we will deal with your complaint at Stage 2.


Stage 2: Investigation

If you (or we) feel your complaint is complex and/or that it merits an in- depth investigation, or if you are dissatisfied with our response at stage 1, we will deal with your complaint/suggestion at this stage.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days, investigate the issue and explore possible solutions. The complaint will be discussed with the individual raising the issue and, if the complaint refers to individual/s within the organisation, with the person/s concerned.

Where possible, the process will be kept confidential and will only involve people who are involved in the complaint or are part of the investigation process. A response, with our decision will be shared with you within 20 working days. If there is a good reason for needing more time, we will share this with you.

If, after receiving our decision on your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with our decision or the way that we have handled your complaint, you can ask, within 10 working days, that the Chief Executive considers it. The Chief Executive will acknowledge the complaint within 10 working days, review the matter and respond within 20 working days if we can.

The Chief Executive’s decision is final.


Complaints relating to the Chief Executive or a Trustee of the Board

Should your complaint relate to the Chief Executive or a Trustee of the Board, it will be dealt with under stage 2.

Please address your complaint to the Parenting across Scotland Board and email to It will be acknowledged within 10 working days and a Trustee of the Board will investigate and report to a panel of at least two other Trustees who will share a response with the decision with you within 20 working days. If there is a good reason for needing more time, we will share this with you.

If, after receiving the decision on your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with the decision or the way that your complaint has been handled, you can ask, within 10 working days, that the Chair of the Board considers it. The Chair will review the matter and respond within 30 working days. If there is a good reason for needing more time, we will share this with you.

The Chair’s decision on matters relating to the Chief Executive or Trustees of the Board is final.



Investigations can be halted at any time if it emerges that any child or vulnerable person is at risk, or if legal action is underway, pending or intended. The investigation cannot be restarted until such issues have been resolved.

We do understand that the circumstances around a complaint can sometimes lead to heightened emotions and we will always do our best to help resolve any issues as quickly and effectively as we can. If a complaint is accompanied however, by aggression or harassment, Parenting across Scotland is within its rights to refuse to meet with you during the process or to engage with you in any form beyond written contact within the parameters of this complaints process.


Contacting us

You can contact Parenting across Scotland by:

Writing to:

Parenting across Scotland,

18 York Place,



