Supporting families in the early years in Scandinavia 12 June 2018 Funded by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship, Clare Simpson, Parenting across Scotland manager travelled to Scandinavia to find out how families are supported through childcare and other universal family support services. Download PDF (388kb)
Getting information to parents and carers 13 April 2014 Parents and carers want information about all sorts of issues connected to bringing up children. They need good quality information to help them make choices which will affect them and their children. PAS has written a practice note to help guide services which produce information for parents and carers. Download PDF (327kb)
PAS Manifesto 2011 8 March 2011 In difficult economic times, with families are bearing the brunt of the cuts, PAS called on all political parties to place families at the heart of their plans for Scotland. Download PDF (89kb)