Roundtable discussions

Participants discussed questions from the evidence response under the themes:

  • Households and families
  • Family formation and dissolution
  • Children in need of care
  • Families affected by disability
  • Parental working patterns

Some common themes which emerged included:

  • Need for flexible services to reflect the variety of and change in family types
  • Significance of fewer children and the ageing population
  • Significance of the later pension age and the impact of this on informal care
  • Need for childcare for older children
  • Lack of information to support changing family structures and different transition points
  • Multiple and increasing barriers resulting from welfare reform
  • Role of schools and education generally
  • Need for more evidence, including qualitative evidence, about the kind of work parents are in; accessibility of services for families affected by disability, including urban and rural and transport issues; transitions to adult services; young carers; cohabitation rates and breakdown; older mothers; teenage mothers

See appendix for discussion notes.