Background The shape of families in Scotland is changing - or so people say. What is the reality? This seminar launched the evidence response that PAS commissioned from the Evidence Request Bank. Our question was 'How have family households in Scotland changed over 2001-2011?'
Research findings The findings cover: households and families, family formation and dissolution, children in need of care, families affected by disability, and parental working patterns.
Panel response This section summarises responses from panel members to the evidence review, and the findings they considered significant.
Roundtable discussions Participants discussed questions from the evidence response under the themes: households and families, family formation and dissolution, children in need of care, families affected by disability, and parental working patterns.
Seminar conclusions Like any evidence review or research, it raises as many questions as answers: family shape is changing but are we asking the right questions?
Appendix: Discussion notes Flip chart notes from roundtable discussions: households and families: different family types; relationships: family formation and dissolution; parental working patterns; evidence gaps: what do we want/need to know?