Getting information to parents and carers

Parents and carers want information about all sorts of issues connected to bringing up children. They also need good quality information to help them make choices which will affect them and their children.

So, what's the best way to get this to them? Is it new information, or is it already there but hard to find? What's worked for others? And what does the evidence tell us?

PAS has written this practice note to help guide services which produce information for parents and carers. It aims to improve how materials are produced for parents and to help services ensure consistency.

It is based on experience as well as the findings of a mapping exercise which CHILDREN 1st conducted for the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government commissioned the mapping exercise because parents consulted as part of the National Parenting Strategy said that they wanted information about parenting issues.

It also draws on previous research into parenting information and a PAS consultation with parents of teenagers. It gives some ideas about what to think about at the outset and some examples of what's worked for others, including NHS Health Scotland and People First.

It is organised in four sections: planning, targeting, including and distributing and set out so that people can use the ideas and prompts as a checklist of things to think about and things to do.

Download: Practice note: getting information to parents and carers (PDF)