UNCRC - Making the right to play real for parents and children
Parenting across Scotland held a webinar on 30 March 2022 on the UNCRC: Making the right to play real for parents and children with speakers: Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive of Play Scotland and Professor John McKendrick, Glasgow Caledonian University.
Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) creates a specific right for all children to have rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to their age and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
Play is crucial to children and young people’s health, development and wellbeing, and parents are key to delivering this right. How can the UNCRC support parents with their child’s right to play? What can local authorities and other duty bearers do to make this right real for children and families?
Covid restrictions meant that children, young people and families were confined to home with Early Years settings closed, access to outside space and play areas severely curtailed and even play parks closed. As we move towards recovery from Covid, play will be an essential component in helping children and young people to thrive and flourish. How can we support parents and families to make this happen?
Speakers, Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive of Play Scotland and Professor John McKendrick, Glasgow Caledonian University, explored how the implementation of the UNCRC in Scotland can support parents and carers to help children, young people and parents realise their right to play.
View the presentations from Marguerite Hunter Blair and Professor John McKendrick
You can watch the recording of the event on our YouTube channel
This is the third in a series of PAS webinars about the UNCRC and families. You can read reports and view recordings from our previous webinars here.